Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Strategic Ways You Can Help Families in Crisis

Have you known of a family in crisis and with the best of intentions told them, "If there is anything I can do to help, let me know."  Did that person take you up on the offer?  More times than not, the extended offer is not taken.  Why?  For most of us, it is very difficult to ask for help, even if we really need it.

To avoid missed opportunities to serve a family or individual in need, our offers of help must be specific and targeted. 
For example: 
Avoid saying:  If it would help to have a dinner brought over, just let me know.

Better stated:  What evening would be good for me to bring dinner over?
Tacking on the phrase, "just let me know" will 98% of the time not be responded to.  Telling the individual that you will be making dinner for them, they simply need to tell you what night to bring it alleviates to a larger extent the uncomfortableness of the offer.  If also shows that you really mean business and will follow through.

Perhaps childcare is more of a need during the crisis.  Offer a specific event or place you would like to take their child(ren), name the date and time unless there is more flexibility for the parent in need to give you that information.
If time is not something you can devote, then mail a card or drop by their place with a card and include a gift card for gas, grocery, or restaurant.  The unique need will dictate the proper gift card.

Another way to bless an individual or family in need would be to pay for a green cleaning company to clean their home.  In crisis, a family's attention narrows done to the immediate circumstance while other tasks simply cannot be handled. 
The ideas to serve are too numerous to write.  Be aware and attentive to the possibilities and then be specific in how you can help!

Would you like to do more but…
Your lack of available time plague you when it comes to helping people in need

Your lack of time keeps you from volunteering at the organization you are passionate about.

Stay tune… You won't want to miss our next post on time stealers as we look at ways many people have been able to "get time back."

We hope this post has given you inspiring new ways to come alongside people you know who are in crisis or great need.  Let us know if this has been of help, leave a comment! 
 Harmony Aromatherapy Cleaners   

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