Monday, January 18, 2016

Remembering Martin Luther King, Jr.

We must build

embankments of courage

to hold back the flood of fear.

                           ---Martin Luther King Jr.


 May these words bring you encouragement today!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Organize my Work!

The first month of a new year marks new beginnings!  We are embarking on a new cleaning series: "Green Cleaning Through the Seasons."  This series will address specific areas to green clean within a particular season as well as how to more efficiently organize that space.  Since January falls in the winter season, we will start off with what you areas to prioritize in the winter months.  There is no better place to get started organizing and green-clean sprucing up than in the office!
How often have you become distracted and lost productive work time?  How many times have you misplaced an important invoice or document due to your lack of organization?

January is the perfect month to get your business off on the right foot.  Whether you have to commute to the office or simply head to another room in your home to start your work day, beginning with organizing your office, makes the most sense.  A few top benefits of a green cleaned, organized office are: more productivity, more fiscal responsibility, less time spent preparing for tax filing.
So…let's get started…