Tuesday, July 12, 2016

21 Day Challenge for a Greener Clean Home: Part Two

End the cycle of weekend catch up green cleaning and organizing. 
Take control of your stuff and stop allowing it to control you! 
One way to do this is by turning your closets into cash!  Here's how…

Friday, July 1, 2016

Eco-Conscious Fourth of July Entertaining

Holiday events of any nature are a time to gather together and what is one of the main things we do when we gather?  That's right--EAT!  Read on for our top three picks to green your Fourth of July celebration.

Create a Summer Vacation at Home!

VACATION.  Ahhh, that special time when we draw closer together as a family; creating new memories!  Some years however, a summer vacation trip may not be do-able.  If this is that kind of year for you, don't give up on your summer!  Plan a stay-cation vacation for the family!  You just might be surprised at how much fun and memory making this type of vacation has to offer! 
What is a stay-cation vacation?