Monday, June 3, 2013

One Green Clean Project a Day!

Taking one cleaning project a day can really help you to manage your time and keep you from becoming overwhelmed with a day filled with cleaning chores.

The project I took on today was cleaning my refrigerator.  I have family coming in from out-of-town later this week and I want to have a clean refrigerator as they are bound to want to help with cooking meals, etc.  I choose today to tackle the fridge because there is basically nothing in it.  You know how that goes when it’s time to get groceries...and the kids are hollering “Mom want can I eat?”

When it is bare, there is obviously less that you have to remove in order to clean the shelves, etc.  I timed myself and it took me about a half an hour to clean it out.  So if you have twenty minutes to half an hour, this project is do-able.  Plan to do it the night before you need to get more groceries or the morning of.  It is much more pleasant to put groceries into a clean refrigerator than putting them into a dirty one.

Quick Green Clean Tools for Today: 

Harmony All Natural Aromatherapy Dish Wash & Harmony All Natural Degreaser

 --Our all natural cleaners are truly all natural as they are 100% biodegradable and sustainable.  Harmony All Natural Aromatherapy Cleaners are ranked at the top of Whole Foods Markets independent Eco-Scale testing for quality green cleaners.  You can tackle any cleaning project in confidence knowing that Harmony All Natural Aromatherapy cleaners are not harming you, your family or the environment. 

Green-Clean, How-To:  I filled my sink up with soapy, Harmony Aromatherapy Dish Wash and warm water. This soapy water was used to wash down the inner walls, drawers, and shelves. 

I also used Harmony All Purpose Degreaser on the shelves for a finishing touch.  I like to experiment with various cleaners on different surfaces.  The degreaser shined up the glass shelves and left a pleasant scent in my fridge! 

I have found that taking a half hour after sending the kids off to school is a good time for me to get a project or two in; then I can go about the rest of my day.

Green clean and organize each day to help keep clutter at bay!

Harmony All Natural Aromatherapy products are found on their sister company's page:

FREE SHIPPING on orders over $40.00 on Home Store Shopping Page


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