Friday, December 19, 2014

Avoid Avoiding What You Love About the Holidays!

While living healthy (especially in regard to what we eat) is very important, there is a time and place for everything.  Plenty of health advice is touted during the Christmas season, some being: drink a glass of water or eat a small meal before going to parties so that you arrive with less of an appetite, avoid foods with high fat/cholesterol.  There are 362 other days for counting calories!  Enjoy the traditional foods of the season! 

While I do not condone giving in to temptations; I do believe in celebrating life!  Foods are a large part of that celebration.  Most of our holiday gatherings with family and friends have at the centerpiece a meal.  We even anticipate special dishes particular people make; for instance, my grandmother's Rice Snow Pudding was always a treat for Thanksgiving and for Christmas my siblings and I loved helping our mother make peanut butter balls.  If you stop for a moment and think about it, I am sure you could come up with a favorite dish or two you like to have every year for the holidays.

Foods bring families together.  Our summer holidays are circled around the 'ole BBQ, complete with potato salads and s'mores!  The foods we share, the conversations around the table are all of value.  So stop saying, "No I couldn't…" to that delicious Christmas goodie and treat yourself to your favorite holiday food!

If you love to bake those adorable Christmas cookies, then down your apron and go for it!  If you don't like to bake or cook—don't guilt yourself.  Why are there bakers and caterers in the world? 

And while you're at it—green clean your home to make it presentable, but don't go into spring cleaning mode!  RELAX…your guests are coming to see you and not your house!
Enjoy the season and all the love, laughter, and foods surrounding it!
Merry Christmas ! --from our family to yours

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