Saturday, February 28, 2015

Purposeful Green Homes: Part Two

When family or friends come over to your home for a visit, are you the kind of person who apologizes for the way your house looks?  Do you talk about how you need new furniture, curtains, etc.?
We are continuing our look at purposeful green homes as was begun in last week's post.

Maybe you are thinking…. I don't have a purpose for my current residence because I am waiting until I live in _____kind of home.  If you are holding out for some future place to really call home-- what makes you sure the "next place" will be IT?  Don't let your current residence rob you from peace and contentment in the present!  Learning to find contentment in your current house is of great value.

The effects of having a purpose for your home as opposed to not, are quite significant...

Monday, February 23, 2015

Purposeful Green Homes

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Tammy- Weekend with Dee
Not too long ago my children stumbled upon a documentary on Tiny Houses.  I happened to be walking through the room as they were watching it and my attention was caught.  I sat down and began to watch it with them.  There was something very intriguing in the idea of living so simply and intentionally. 
Each person interviewed in the documentary had a purpose for their home and the space within. For many of those tiny home dwellers, much thought was put into the switch to living small and simple.  Some had a series of downsizing they went through before moving to the tiny house on a trailor. Each person interviewed, however, had more of a sense of peace about life.