Monday, September 28, 2015

Routine Green Cleaning that "Bites the Dust"

It's everywhere!  It leaves nothing untouched by its presence.  You can't get away from it.  It is in your life—period.
What is "IT"?  "IT" is DUST.

The upside is that you CAN minimize IT.
I have heard in joking, "I can't clean, I'm allergic to dust!"  In reality, a large percentage of individuals are allergic to dust.  The truth is—the more you stick to a regular green cleaning routine, the less allergic symptoms to dust you will experience.  It is what is in the dust particles that trigger allergic symptoms, such as dust mites.  Avoiding dusting really is more detrimental to your health than daily/weekly dusting routines.

It is not just your health at stake from the toll of dust:

Friday, September 18, 2015

Is Clutter Draining Your Resources?

Would you like to keep more of what you make financially?   Would you like to excel in your business?  Would you like to be more productive in life?  If "YES" is your answer, then take a close look around your home/work environment—do you see clutter?  Clutter can be draining your resources.   Read on to get out from under clutter's grip!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Motivating Kids Toward Green Cleaning Habits

The structure of a new school season is the perfect time to motivate your children towards weekly, green cleaning routines.  One of the great reasons to use Harmony Aromatherapy Cleaners is how safe they are around children.  Harmony Aromatherapy Cleaners are non-toxic and safe household cleaners!  No worries of harmful chemicals getting into your child's eyes, lungs or skin. 

There are two basic components kids need to help with around the house, namely their personal belongings /space and shared spaces. Personal belongings/space consists of the cleanup of their bedrooms; toys, games, books, clothes, and papers lying around their bedroom and beyond.  Shared spaces are the bathrooms, kitchen, family room, etc. 

Proper green cleaning instruction should begin at an early age.  It would not be unreasonable to say that a child as young as 18 months could pick up his/hers toys with parental assistance.  Cleaning one's home is a necessity of life!  So how do we motivate our children towards proper home cleanup?  Keep reading for our practical suggestions.

Motivational tips to help your children stick with weekly green cleanup tasks.
1. Motivate through simplicity:  Have real and clearly defined expectations

To one child, "Go clean your room," makes sense and is followed through from start to finish within a reasonable amount of time.
To another child that same request, "Go clean your room," will result in two items picked up off the floor an hour later.  Frustrations mount between you and that child and you wonder, what is wrong?

The problem:  On the surface the request, "go clean your room" may appear simple but it can actually be quite a daunting request.  For a child who struggles with order and follow-through he/she may become overwhelmed simply because the request was too vague.  He/she may not know how or where to begin cleaning the bedroom and so will pick at it slowly.  This results in both you and your child growing frustrated.
Instead of requesting he/she "goes and cleans the room" try it this way, "pick up your toys and put them where they belong by "X" amount of time."  You have just represented the desired task to be accomplished in a simplified, yet clearly defined manner.  If your child still procrastinates, you will probably want to give some other incentives or consequences for the task.  One other word of caution, be careful not to lump multiple requests together.  Allow your child to complete one simple request at a time. 

2. Motivate through NOT TALKING! 
Our child are awesome at hearing a conversation taking place in another room and yet cannot seem to hear mom or dad ask them to clean up around the house.

How is that possible?  It's selective listening!  They hear what they want to hear.  Taking your voice out of the process forces them to pay attention and really listen.
When possible, write chores out and have either assign them or have your children pick out which they want to do.  There are several creative ways to write them out:

-on a chalkboard and the kids cross them off once completed.
- on ping-pong balls:  write out one chore per ball and place balls in a basket.  Each child picks one ball and completes the task then gets another ball and completes that task.  Turn it into a game: the child who completes the most chores in a given amount of time is the winner and can select a prize.  Prizes may include a no-chore day, movie night, etc.

-on colored craft sticks.  Children choose a designated amount of sticks and complete those chores.  Turning in the sticks to mom or dad when chores are completed.  Again you can give a reward out to the one who completes them first (provided the chores are done "up to par").

For more information about Harmony Aromatherapy Cleaners click the link. 
Special savings found on our Home Store Page!
If you are looking for scent-free household cleaners—
check out Harmony Aromatherapy's sister line Baby Harmony
Baby Harmony Cleaners contain no essential oil scents
and are an even milder yet effective green cleaner.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Green Cleaner Spotlight: Harmony Aromatherapy Multi-Purpose Cleaner

HG Labs' Harmony Aromatherapy Product Spotlight shines on…

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Sure there are several multi-purpose green cleaners on the market, but they probably do not carry the "Gold" Standard of Green America.  They probably have not received the highest Green Rating by Whole Foods Market's independent testing as did Harmony Aromatherapy products!
Sure you can purchase a green multi-purpose cleaner elsewhere, but why settle for a subpar cleaner that upon reading the label more closely—you would find it contains a very small fraction of all-natural ingredients.  This deception is called "Green Washing."

Harmony Aromatherapy Multi-Purpose Cleaner is made from 100% all-natural, plant based products, from sustainable sources; making it a completely eco-friendly cleaner.
Harmony Aromatherapy Multi-Purpose Cleaner has been tested by independent, third party sources and has received their highest ratings! 

Use Harmony Aromatherapy Multi-Purpose Cleaner for quick green cleanups around the home or office, in vehicles, RV's and anywhere you need a quick green cleanup.

How to Have a Green Clean, Spotless Bathroom—Everyday!
In two minutes (I timed it) you can have a clean bathroom each day.

First:  Clear the countertop sink area.
Second:  Spray countertop and sink with Harmony Aromatherapy Multi-Purpose Cleaner or Harmony Aromatherapy Bathroom Cleaner.

Third:  Wipe down surface with a clean, damp rag.
Fourth:  Dry with another clean rag

Fifth:  Spray all surfaces of the toilet with Harmony Aromatherapy Multi-Purpose Cleaner or Harmony Aromatherapy Bathroom Cleaner.
Sixth:  Wipe all outside surfaces of the toilet with a clean rag or paper towel.

Seventh:  Wipe inside toilet with toilet bowl brush.
Eighth:  Pick up any towels, clothing, etc. on floor and put where those items belong!

** Add 30 seconds to your routine and spray shower walls/door with Harmony Aromatherapy Daily Shower Cleaner.  Allow Harmony Aromatherapy Daily Shower Cleaner to do the work for you; no need to wipe surfaces! 

To order:  Harmony Store (located on Brightly Green page- a sister company)
FREE SHIPPING on orders $40.00 or more!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Green Cleaning for Indoor Allergies: Part Two: Mold and Mildew

The emphasis on allergies often is placed on what we encounter out-of-doors, however, many people suffer from allergies within their own homes.  Part Two of our series sets our focus on mold/mildew. Keep reading for solutions to eliminate this major allergy trigger in an eco-friendly, and effective way.