Saturday, February 28, 2015

Purposeful Green Homes: Part Two

When family or friends come over to your home for a visit, are you the kind of person who apologizes for the way your house looks?  Do you talk about how you need new furniture, curtains, etc.?
We are continuing our look at purposeful green homes as was begun in last week's post.

Maybe you are thinking…. I don't have a purpose for my current residence because I am waiting until I live in _____kind of home.  If you are holding out for some future place to really call home-- what makes you sure the "next place" will be IT?  Don't let your current residence rob you from peace and contentment in the present!  Learning to find contentment in your current house is of great value.

The effects of having a purpose for your home as opposed to not, are quite significant...

Purpose-less homes contain:
-More chaos than order
-Constant frustration
-Leaping from project to project
-Constant apologies for appearances

Purpose-full homes contain:
-Freedom for creativity
-Freedom from perfection

If you have not given much thought to having a home with a purpose, I hope that now you are desiring to make one.  I have personally found greater contentment in my home when I developed a purpose for it.  Having a purpose for my home has even helped me strategically organize each room in my home.   Green cleaning routines naturally flow out of the purpose of the home too! 

Next week's topic:  The fallacy of having a perfect home.

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