Thursday, September 5, 2019

The More of Less...Marathon Cleaner VS Daily Cleaning

I remember back in elementary school during one of our English subject hours my teacher read a paragraph that did not contain any punctuation marks.  She took a deep breath, and then proceeded to read the entire paragraph—without stopping.  At the end, she gasped for breath and we all laughed.  It was a wonderful illustration of the need for punctuation.  Those pauses within and between sentences allows room for space.  Space that distinguishes between thoughts and space that allows the reader to take a breath!  

Those tiny little punctuation markings greatly enhance comprehension of the written words.

What punctuation does for our written language, so breaks do for our 24- hour day. 

Tiny pauses within the day allow our minds and bodies moments to regroup.  Stress and burnout are reduced when you allow pauses in your day (and week).  In a recent article, I read a suggestion to take two minutes to sit back, stretch and focus on a positive word or phrase after working for fifty minutes.  The writer of the article said it helped a lot.

As I write this, I am reminded of the story about Abraham Lincoln when he was a lumberjack.  He was found to be quietly sitting at the base of a tree, with his back resting on the truck on the tree.  He was sitting there contently sharpening his ax.  The other men working with him thought him to be lazy, as they were diligently sawing away at trees in the area.  What the others failed to see was the reality that a sharpened ax had much greater capabilities than a dull one. 

Productivity is enhanced when rest and margin are built into our days/weeks.  When you say to yourself, “I just don’t have the time to take a break.”  That is the very time you NEED to pause and rest.  Even if for a couple of minutes every hour.

If we take the work/pause method to heart, we would apply it to all areas of our living; including housecleaning.

Marathon cleaning VS. scheduled/daily cleaning:

While marathon cleaning may knockout your housecleaning in one day, what does your home look like the rest of the week?  Today’s busy schedules make marathon cleaning nearly impossible. 

Best methods for scheduling housecleaning:

Go with the natural rhythms of your day!  What time of the day do you have enough margin to carve out 15 to 20 minutes to dust/vacuum a room?  When is the best time of the day to clean the bathroom? (Get natural aromatherapy bathroom cleaner here!)

Taking at least 15 to 20 minutes every day, or during the weekdays, to clean a specific area will help you to stay on top of the upkeep of your home/apartment.

If you have not created a green cleaning routine before, you will find that it will take some adjustment, but once you get the routine going, the patterns will naturally fall into place! 

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