Monday, July 24, 2017

Are You Leaving a Healthy Legacy?

What comes to mind when you think of leaving a legacy behind?
  • Physical possessions? 
  • Financial assets? 
  • Healthy work ethic?  
  • Healthy patterns of behavior/living?

I recently read of women who are caring for their terminally ill mothers and have much anger/resentment because their mothers were hoarders for the duration of their lives.  Now these adult children are beginning the overwhelming process of going through mounds of belongings while their mothers are still alive.  The ensuing arguments and pain of living with a hoarder has great ramifications! 

The plight of those adult children gave personal pause as to what kind of a legacy would I want to leave behind for my children. 

I would say that leaving a legacy encompasses multiple aspects.  First, and most obviously, it would mean physical possessions and or financial assets.  Secondarily and perhaps somewhat overlooked would be the healthy habits and behaviors that we demonstrate through our day to day living.

My own adult children have incorporated many of the behaviors my husband and I lived out and continue to on a regular basis as they were growing up.  One being lovers of fine coffee, lol!  But seriously, healthy eating habits, proper budgeting; just to name a couple.  

Could how we care for our personal dwelling be considered a legacy?  I would say solidly - Yes!    

If our children eat healthy on their own because they grew up eating healthy, if our children have learned to budget because they saw mom and dad’s example of budgeting, it only follows suit that they would care for their homes in a manner in which they saw demonstrated while growing up.

I have taught my children the benefits of using only all natural, sustainable, non-toxic products to clean our home with.  
They used those products weekly when doing household cleaning chores. 

I am confident that they will be a second generation of Harmony Aromatherapy green clean users!

It is NEVER TO LATE to instill healthy practices for healthy living!  Our children will continue to watch us as they grow more into adulthood.  Even if we were late into living healthy, they will see the change and it will be inspiring and motivational to them, especially if coupled with an explanation as to why the change was made and how it is proving to be beneficial. 

What legacy do you think you are leaving behind for your children?  
Is there room for improvement?  --Food for thought!

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