Thursday, June 23, 2016

21 Day Greener Clean Home Challenge: Part One

A month ago we shared ideas on how to Set Your Weekends Free.  To fuel this endeavor we have a 21 Day Greener Clean Home Challenge for you!  Overcoming our weaknesses will only empower strength in all areas and will help you have consistently Freed up Weekends!! 
Part One begins in the kitchen.  The hub of home activity and one of the top places where we need to find the space peaceful looking and green cleaned!

The Kitchen Dilemma:  We cannot fix what we do not understand is broken.
What is consistently "at odds with you" in your kitchen? 

Dirty dishes laying around.
Messy counters.
Overworked pantry.

Kitchen Solutions:  21 Day Greener Clean Kitchen Challenge!
Clutter:  Top cause—random drop off place.  Redirect the "drop off" to an entryway (for school backpacks, coats, etc.).  The kitchen as a mailbox—NOT!  Find a legit place for incoming mail.  My sister decided to put incoming mail in a decorative box in her kitchen.  It made the most sense to her; yet kept the kitchen looking neat and tidy.  She would go through the mail at a later more convenient time and then place those papers where appropriate.    Food for thought!

Get yourself and your family into the habit of redirecting clutter—for 21 days—consistently.  When you have a gap in the consistency, the day after that lapse becomes Day Number One again!  Habits form from consistency.   How do you think the clutter got there in the first place?  Wrong habits formed can take longer to correct, and they do not self-correct!  Don't we all wish that were the case!

Dirty Dishes:  "I'm not touching those!"  If not you, then who? One of the easiest remedies is consistently washing the dishes after every meal!  The kids are home from school; pass out dish duty assignments.  Often the dinner/supper meal has the largest amount of dishes to be washed.  Cut the time down for washing them after dinner/supper by cleaning as you go.  While preparing the meal, wash the bowls and cooking utensils while the meal is in the frying pan, oven or microwave.
Take the "Dirty Dishes no More--  21 Day Greener Clean Challenge" if this is your point of "kitchen dilemma."

Messy Counters:  The culprits are likely clutter or dirty dishes.  You know what to do!  If perhaps, however, the problem is due to too many appliances and not enough storage, then you need to consider getting rid of unused appliances, and cookware or finding creative storage solutions!

Overworked Pantry:   The challenge here could go in a couple of directions.  First, you may just have too many items crammed in a small space.  Second, you may have such an unorganized pantry that you cannot easily find what you need.  Perhaps it is a combination of the two.
The best way to get your overworked pantry under control (and this was my personal situation), is to gut it entirely, then throw out expired items. 
 Give away canned or boxed goods you probably won't use and the expiration date is still good.  Green clean pantry shelves and walls.  Finally, containerize each shelf. 

Containers help to keep similar items together and manage how you locate items.  Containers are easier to pull out when needed for quick access. In addition, with containers your pantry does not become overcrowded with multiple items.
Containerizing your pantry is the easiest way to tackle the 21 Day Green Clean for Overworked Pantries!

Green Cleaners for your 21 Day Green Kitchen Challenge: all-natural, non-toxic aromatherapy green kitchen cleaners
Harmony Aromatherapy Hand Dish Wash
Harmony Aromatherapy Granite and Tile Cleaner
Harmony Aromatherapy Multi-Purpose Cleaner

Baby on the premises?  Opt for Baby Harmony Dish and Bottle Wash & Baby Harmony All-Purpose Cleaner.  Harmony Aromatherapy Cleaners are safe around babies.                              For extra gentle green cleaners for babies, choose Baby Harmony. 

Remember, the key is to consistently over 21 days keep your kitchen green cleaned.  If you have a lapse, and you very well could, DO NOT GIVE UP!  Just start your counting again.  You will get there if you work it! 
Remind yourself of why you are on this challenge—for consistent freed up weekends! -- For peace of mind!  --For the enjoyment of entertaining….you name it! 

On your mark...get set...GO!

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