Friday, November 14, 2014

Holiday Gift Giving Gone Green!

Why should unwritten rules about gift giving dictate how much we spend?
These rules burden us with unnecessary worry and weight.

This holiday season, break the unwritten rules about gift giving and re-discover the JOY of giving!   

The "unwritten rules"—spelled out:
1.) You have to spend the same amount on each person.
2.) If you receive a gift you must reciprocate.
3.) All gifts must be brand new!
4.) Receiving an expensive gift equates giving an expensive gift in return.

Tearing down the rules:
1.) If you find a great deal on a gift, GREAT!  You just saved yourself some extra money.  Do not guilt yourself that it did not cost a lot.  Be happy!!

2.) What is "a gift?"  It is, by Webster's definition, "something given to show friendship, support, affection, etc." It would not be a true "gift" if there is an expectation to receive.  Appreciate the thoughtful, kind gesture of the giver and be grateful for the gift. 

3.) Repurposed items as gifts are totally in!  Throw out the idea that it "has to be brand new." A perfectly suited gift is just that—no matter the cost or the newness of the item!
4.) "Keeping up with the Jones'es," only adds stress to you and your finances; sapping the joy of gift-giving!

Giving Green Gifts:
1.) Let your budget dictate how much you can realistically spend for gifts this holiday season.

2.) Thoughtful gifts however simple or inexpensive reflect that you were really thinking of the recipient.  There are so many unique treasures you can find in resale/thrift shops!

3.) Give practical gifts:  Gift certificates for: all natural green cleaners, your local grocery store, or a gas card for teens/college students.  College students could use a Harmony Aromatherapy Cleaners gift certificate for laundry wash!
4.) Make your own gifts.  Ideas are everywhere.  If you're not sure where to begin, check out Pinterest.
5.) Mix new with used items.  New candles with decorative plates found at a local resale shop can make a perfect gift for candle lovers. 

Celebrate the season!
Throw out the "rules" on gift exchanges
and find the JOY again in giving!
      --from Harmony Aromatherapy Cleaners

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