Saturday, December 7, 2013

Less Holiday Stress--To be at Your Best!

Christmas is often an exciting time when family gathers from faraway places to reconnect and share with one another. 

If you are the hosting family for traveling guests there is an added air of excitement as you prepare for their arrival.  You may also find yourself becoming a little on the stressed side especially if you have a job outside the home to manage on top of caring for your family.

Allow the following words of encouragement to ease your stress and help you enjoy the season and your guests more fully…

Encouragement #1:  Your guests are arriving to see YOU—not your house! 

They are not traveling to spend Christmas with your house.  They are not going to share a cup of coffee or a glass of wine with your house!  They are not going to stay up late to talk to your house!  They are coming to see you!

When they come to your home—don't apologize about how your house doesn't look like this or that.  JUST WELCOME THEM IN!  Let your guests know how truly happy you are to see them and welcome them!

The feeling of being welcomed is what your guests will remember.  Time spent talking and sharing stories is what they will fondly recall—not the status of (condition of) your home!

So take a deep breath and relax!
Encouragement #2:  Focus on the main rooms

Your green cleaning should be focused on the main rooms that your guests occupy; the guest room, guest bathroom, your kitchen and living/family room.  Don't give extra attention to any of the other rooms.  By keeping your cleaning attention focused on the rooms your guests will be using will help to lessen your stress.

Pick one or two of the rooms a few days before your guests' arrival to spruce up.  Give a quick straightening, dusting and vacuuming job then move on to the next room. 

Save cleaning the bathroom for last (if it is shared by other family members).

Harmony Aromatherapy Wood Floor Cleaner (for wood floors and dusting), Harmony Aromatherapy Multi-Purpose Cleaner—for general cleanup, Harmony Aromatherapy Bathroom Cleaner—for sink, tub and toilet. We have other great, non-toxic cleaning products—the above named eco-friendly cleaners are your quick and general "go to's".  (Extra special savings deals end today!)

Remember—your guests are coming to see you!  They will probably not even notice whether you have dusted or not. 

Encouragement #3:  Plan out your week.

Sit down and take fifteen minutes to plan out your week to keep yourself from ending up in a "rush to the finish line". 

Once your plan is written out—look it over and consider what you can eliminate.  Do you really have to get that _________.  Be realistic with yourself.  Are your expectations set too high? 

A simplified experience for you guests puts them at ease.  Remember why they are coming.

It's about relationships!
Encouragement #4:  Just have fun!

May you have a wonderful Christmas celebration
with family and friends. 
Enjoy your time together, get to know each other more,
share stories, share adventures-- together. 


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