Monday, November 30, 2015

Cyber Monday Special Green Clean Deals are Back!

Purchase $50.00 or more of green clean and get...
FREE one 4oz. Harmony Air Freshener
(Free Shipping on orders $50.00 or more)
Special ends @ midnight EST. Dec. 6, 2015

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Beginnings of HG Labs: A True Green Company

Have you ever noticed that within every story there is another story?  That "inner story" or rather-prequel; helps make sense of the main narrative.  Often there are many twists and turns you would not have expected leaving you with thoughts of, "Oh, that makes sense" or "Ok, now I understand."
HG Labs' beginning had its own unique origins.  Did you know it was started by a grandmother?  This begs the question, "Why?"  A grandmother starting up her own green cleaning product company does not happen out of the blue!  So what set her on this path toward creating HG Labs? 

We'll let HG Labs' founder/owner/president, Sharron McAdams tell us her journey…

Monday, November 23, 2015

Creating a Simpler Holiday: Joy-filled Expressions

Creating a JOY-filled, simpler holiday does not happen on-the-fly.  STRESS-filled holidays do!  So how do you keep the joy in and the stress out?  With three key, holiday pre-requisites!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Creating a Simpler Holiday

What would be most meaningful for you this holiday season?  Chances are what came to your mind was not a particular item you hope to receive for Christmas but about relationships.  So how can you do things differently to reflect what truly matters to you?  PRIORITIZE and learn to say "NO."  Have a hard time saying "No"?  --we'll help!