Friday, May 29, 2015

Sustainable Cleaners --the Need is NOW!

As growing concerns that our current non-renewable sources are diminishing, terms like "renewable energy sources and sustainable products are becoming commonplace terms today.

There seems to be a tug of war going on globally regarding the environment such as:  Natural gas vs. wind power.  Non GMO vs. traditional farming.  I believe we are to be stewards of nature.  Working with nature and not against it.  Brightly Green innovations are needed to fuel future generations and their productivity. 
It is not feasible to reverse the tide and make the globe "get off the grid."  So what steps should we take to find balance?

Monday, May 25, 2015

A Salute to Our Fallen Heroes!

"My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."  --JKF

Many have answered that call with their very lives.
 We honor them this Memorial Day.

"Thank You"

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Gift Mom Personal Time & Home Spa Oils for Mother's Day

If you could wrap "Time" in a pretty little box tied with a bow, I don't believe very many moms would be disappointed with that gift.  


Time Reason #1:  Personal Renewal
Moms with young children especially need personal time for rest and rejuvenation.  She experiences relentless caring for young children and often isn't alone until her head hits the pillow at night.  Give mom breakfast in bed followed by quiet time for rest.  Give mom a personal aromatherapy experience with Harmony Aromatherapy Essential Oils.

Time Reason #2:  Accomplishing a project
Many women I personally know have projects they would love to be able to accomplish but because of their work schedules and caring for their families, never seem to have the time to get to those projects.

Dads, lend a hand—participate with her in getting the job done, or take the kids away for the day so she can work without interruptions.

Time Reason #3:  Taking a family trip
Sometimes it is just a matter of getting away as a family that would mean so much to mom. Make sure the plans are what she wants to do for the day! After all-it's her day!

Husbands, maybe the best Mother's Day gift would be to consult with your wife to see how she wants to spend the day!  You and the kids can then get a plan in motion to treat mom in the best way possible.

Thank you moms across America (and the world) for all you do!
--from the family of Harmony Aromatherapy Cleaners
100% all natural cleaners for a healthier you and a healthier world!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Clean Natural Wood Surfaces All Naturally

The facts are everywhere that people with allergies and asthma have better respiratory health with wood flooring.  All the allergens, dust mites, pet dander cannot get trapped on wood floors.  If being able to breathe easier is important to you, wood flooring makes the most sense --topped off with an all-natural wood floor cleaner!
So if you have wood floor or are planning on switching to wood flooring due to health concerns, it would make the most sense to clean your wood flooring with an all-natural, non-toxic wood floor cleaner.

Much research is bringing to light the real possibilities of respiratory illnesses associated with chemical laden, household cleaners...